General terms and conditions (abbreviated as "GTC", non-standard language often also referred to as "GTCs", "AGB's" or "AGBen") are all contractual conditions pre-formulated for a large number of contracts, which one party (the user) provides to the other party when concluding a contract.
It is irrelevant whether the provision forms an externally separate part of the contract (colloquially referred to as "the small print") or is included in the contractual document itself.
Our general course regulations are as follows and apply to every course registration.
They are valid for courses from 01 April 2020
Registration After you have registered for a course, you will receive a confirmation of receipt from us. Your registration is binding.
Implementation In order to be able to conduct our courses under optimal conditions, we set a minimum and maximum number of participants for each course offered. Course places are allocated in the order in which registrations are received. If the number of participants is insufficient, the course will generally not be held and the course fee will be waived or refunded. In exceptional cases, we reserve the right to postpone or combine courses for organisational reasons and to change the place of execution. If a course leader is unable to attend, an adequate substitute will be sought whenever possible. In such situations you will be informed by us.
Payment - We will send you the final course confirmation together with the conditions 4 weeks before the course starts. Only timely payment of the course fee entitles you to participate in the course.
Cancellations A cancellation/rebooking involves the cancellation of a place reservation and administrative work. Cancellations and rebookings must be made in writing to the course secretary. Failure to pay the course fee does not constitute cancellation. The date of receipt of the written notification at our training centre is decisive. The remission or pro-rata reimbursement of the course fees is dependent on this:
- Up to 30 calendar days before the course begins. The course fee will be waived and a processing fee of CHF 30 will be charged.
- Up to 10 calendar days before the course begins: a 50% refund of the course fee will be charged.
- From 10 calendar days before the course starts and after the course has started: 100% of the course fees are payable.
Course exclusion Goldstück AG reserves the right to exclude participants from a course if they do not have sufficient German language skills (level B2) to actively participate in lessons or if participants behave in a disruptive manner.
In both cases the course fee will not be refunded. The assessment of the respective course leader on site is valid.
Insurance Course participants must insure themselves against accidents and liability.
Contact For further information, please contact the course secretary's office:
Goldstück AG
Seefeldstrasse 62
8008 Zurich Switzerland
T. +41 43 205 22 90 -
F. +41 43 508 04 60
[email protected]